Why is Easter Weekend so Important to me. What does it mean for me?

Charmain Tan
4 min readApr 12, 2020


2 years ago in Q1 2018, right before Easter, my mind was in complete Darkness. I was struggling with depression, I will cry uncontrollably. Darkness was crowding my mind, and everything around me. I hated myself for some decisions that I have made leading me to a place of fear. Nothing at church service spoke to me, all I could do each church service was to cry at the altar and ask what God want of me, Why is God doing what he has done for me. Till the msg on Easter Sunday in 2018 where Pastor Gerald from my church, Trinity Christian Centre, preached about how God has died for our sins on Good Friday and we have been forgiven, and as Jesus resurrects on Easter Sunday, we are given a chance to lead a new life in and with Him.

Somehow as I listened to his sermon, I cried and thank God for dying on the cross for our sins and I know I could lead a new life through and with him. I never knew what that would mean for me on earth, but somehow after those rolling tears, I started to feel a sense of peace and I knew then that what’s past is past, and i am given a choice to start afresh and live a life that will please him.

So just this past week, i experienced similar queries of doing deals that are not right in the eyes of the lord. Not just 1 but 3, and I recalled the experience that I had in 2018 and hence I told these 3, I rather not do the deal, and i shared with them my story. That we are all tempted by money, who does not want to make more money, but it’s about earning it the RIGHT way. Even in raising funds, it’s about getting funds from sources you know are meant for you!

So I turned away the offer. It was humanly tough. But if we have asked for repentance, and have started living a new life in him, we should stay committed to it for him.

Many of us are probably watching church service at home or doing some reflections this Easter Weekend. I thought to just share a reading that i did this morning.

Pain is God’s megaphone. It is God’s way of arousing us from Spiritual lethargy. Your problems are not a punishment; They are wake-up calls from a loving God. God is not mad at you. He’s mad ABOUT you.

and as I watched this morning’s sermon, it spoke straight to my heart, that He holds our Tomorrow.

that God will bring us back to him. We will all feel pain, anxieties, disappointments and darkness especially at times like this, during this Pandemic Season. And as we are all locked down in the rooms of our homes, we are ‘forced’ to go on a reset — to review, reflect and reorientate our lives.

One thing we can all be Thankful for is that Jesus has already died on the cross for our sins. He will turn our TEST into a TESTIMONY and our MESS into a MIRACLE. He did it for me in 2018 and I am sure he will do it for many others as long as we turn to him in repentance and humility with Faith.

The LIGHT for us has always been there. Its a matter of choice and awareness to seek that LIGHT. And as we celebrate Easter Sunday, we can be thankful that we are given the chance to really hit the RESET button to live a life that we can be proud of, for the past is the past. Its the present — Today and Tomorrow that matters. Ending off with my new found fav poem.



Charmain Tan

Living a purpose driven life with Faith and Loves all things related to optimizing sales process, technology, fitness, health and entrepreneurship.